
Linuxmint  9 on my  eeepc701

Linux Mint 9 LXDE Running on my Eee PC 900a by Allen Bethea

I demo the latest LinuxMint offering, Linux Mint 9 or Isadora LXDE, Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment.

LXDE is designed to give you a practical, modern linux desktop experience on older machines.

The Lubuntu is the Quasi-official Ubuntu version of LXDE. LinuxMint adds some applications and its signature theming magic to the excellent Lubuntu distro.

I see no improvement in over Lubuntu other than the theme. The Mint crew does add its own gui package manager and update manager. Most disappoint ed that there was no way to port a LXDE version of the great Mintmenu. You can install the menu, but not without a full gnome package. This would defeat the purpose of having a lightweight desktop.

Overall, the strength of this release really comes from the work of the Lubuntu team. The Mint developers added the icing to and already satisfying cake


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