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檢視較大的地圖 小林村 2009 8.8 小林村位於高縣甲仙鄉甲仙東北十公里,西以阿里山山脈與台南縣南化鄉為界,東以玉山與桃源鄉為鄰,北接三民鄉,南臨關山村,村落聚集楠梓仙溪東岸山腳下。

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莫拉克颱風 Typhoon_Morakot Typhoon Morakot Typhoon Morakot After forming as a tropical depression over the Pacific Ocean about 1,000 km east of the Philippines on August 2nd, Typhoon Morakot built in power and moved quickly west. Over the past several days, the storm has passed over the Philippines, Taiwan and Mainland China, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage due to high winds, flooding and mudslides. Southeast China evacuated nearly 1 million people ahead of the storm, after Morakot broke many records in Taiwan, dumping a total of 2.5 meters (100 inches) of rain on the island. At least 40 people are known to have died so far, but hundreds remain missing - many from one village in Taiwan, reportedly engulfed by a mudslide during the storm. (36 photos total)

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Fire Cloud 3 dyas before Typhoon Morakot

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Mount Muztaghata, Karaqul lake and Qaltumak
Mount Muztaghata, Karaqul lake and Qaltumak

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Baishatun Mazu festival,

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