Pine Garden 松園別館 , Hualien Taiwan 花蓮台灣
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松園別館 這裡的松樹受美崙湧泉之賜,株株長得茂密姿態俊逸,樹種據說早期是日軍從琉球引進,故又名「琉球松」。導遊介紹我們去欣賞一棵有300多歲的最高樹齡松樹,當大家觀看後,引起了大家一陣驚疑,它竟然只有約一人高的小松樹,真是有眼不識泰山。
Built in 1943, Hualien City's Pine Garden used to be the military base for the Japanese Navy stationed there during World War II. Soon it became a recreational resort for high-ranking Japanese officers. It was said that the Pine Garden was the place where kamikaze pilots would drink the wine bestowed by the Japanese emperor on the eve of their suicide missions, according to the manager of Pine Garden, Lin Cheng-tsung (林正宗).
With nearly 200 pines, the tranquil garden faces the estuary of the Meilun River to the Pacific Ocean. After being restored by the Hualien County government, the garden was officially recognized as one of Taiwan's "top 100 historic charms" in 2001. It features afternoon tea for tourist .