
Raspberry Pi Robotics #1: GPIO Control


In this video I construct a Pololu Zumo robot chassis, interface it to a Raspberry Pi using an L298N H-bridge motor controller, and use Python code to bring the robot to life!

This video builds on my tutorial: "Raspberry Pi Robotics #1: GPIO Control" -- http://youtu.be/41IO4Qe5Jzw and also assumes some knowledge covered in my "Setting Up a Raspberry Pi" video:

Note that this tutorial will work with both a Raspberry Pi Model B, as well as the newer Model B+.

You can find the wiring diagrams, as well as links for the components used in my Raspberry Pi robotics videos here.

PLEASE NOTE THAT right at the bottom of the above page you will find important information about whether or not you need to connect GPIO pin 2 (5V) on your Pi to the 5V terminal on the L298N. With my L298N board I did not need to do this. But this will not always be the case.


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