World War II, the Special Exhibition of Taipei's air raid
二次大戰下的台北大空襲 May 31, 1945
第二部 台灣海上航空戰
因为1944年10月10日起的台湾冲航空战让当时部属在台湾的230架战斗机折损到无力迎击,台湾空防只剩下地面炮火独力支撑。美军对台北城的轰炸主要集中在台北城内(今 台北市忠孝西路、中华路、爱国西路、中山南路围成的四方形)、城外的台湾步兵第一联队、山炮兵第48联队(两单位均位于今中正纪念堂)等军事单位以及包含台湾总督府在内,位于荣町、京町、文武町、书院町、明石町、旭町等地的主要总督府所辖官署建物等等合计共挨了高达3,800枚的各式炸弹。
本展覽從1930年代受日本殖民統治的台灣如何進入戰爭體制的背景切入,描述當時舉辦防空演習的情形,以及總督府當局的防空教育。為了預防空襲,台北各建物會進行偽裝,並有煙幕演習。此外,向民眾介紹總督府如何實行燈火管制,以及在燈光管制下,台北人的生活情形。還會展出警報器與空襲警報的種類,以及防空避難所與防空壕的情境。 1938年台北首度遭受空襲,1941年日本發動太平洋戰爭,1944年10月,美、日雙方在台灣外海上空爆發慘烈的空戰,美機大舉空襲全台重要城市。該空戰後日軍喪失空中優勢,1945年初,美國登陸菲律賓,美國軍機如入無人之境,狂炸台灣各城市。 1945年5月31日的台北大空襲,是盟軍歷次空襲中,美國軍機出動架次最多、投彈最密集、傷亡人數最多的行動,也是許多老台北人的共同經歷。許多重要的地標包括總督府(今總統府)、臺大醫院、新公園等地,變成滿目瘡痍的慘狀,展場輔以回憶錄或訪問紀錄作為佐證。最後,展示總結戰時台北在空襲中所付出的代價,例如空襲傷亡人數、空襲建物損害情形等。 有毀滅就有重生,本展覽亦介紹台北市區的復原重建經過,包括因空襲而消失的建築物,如鐵道飯店、第二高女、中央研究所、府立圖書館、台灣電力株式會社、度量衡所、台灣神宮、總務長官官邸等,使用轟炸前後的圖片今昔並陳,讓未曾經歷大空襲的市民,有機會認識這段台北近代發展史的重要過程,同時也訴說二二八事件發生前,台灣受戰爭牽累的景況。
• World War II, under the Special Exhibition of Taipei's air raid
Show Time: October 2007 to December 23 Venue: 228 Memorial Hall, the basement galleries special exhibition: This exhibition from the 1930s under Japanese colonial rule of Taiwan's how to get the background to cut into the war system, describing the host defense the case of exercise, as well as Government House, the Administration's air defense education. In order to prevent air strikes, the buildings will be conducted in Taipei camouflage, and have smoke drills. In addition, the Government House to inform the public on how to implement blackouts, as well as lighting control, life in Taipei. Will also display the type of alarm and air-raid sirens, as well as anti-aircraft shelter and a bomb shelter situations. In 1938, in Taipei for the first time subjected to air raids, in 1941 Japan launched the Pacific War, in October 1944, the United States and Japan broke out in Taiwan over the tragic air off the coast of the U.S. aircraft major cities in Taiwan large-scale air strikes. The loss of air after the Japanese air superiority early in 1945, the United States landed the Philippines, the United States military aircraft such as the unhindered, indiscriminate bombing of cities in Taiwan. May 31, 1945 in Taipei's air strike was the previous Allied air raids, the U.S. military aircraft sorties, the largest bomb of the most intensive and largest number of casualties in the action, but also many of the common experience of older people in Taipei. Many important landmarks including the Governor House (now the Presidential Palace), National Taiwan University Hospital, the new parks and other places and become the tragic scene of devastation, memoirs, or visit the exhibition supported by the record as evidence. Finally, the show summed up in wartime air raids in Taipei, the cost, such as the air raid casualties, air raid damage to buildings and other situations. There is destruction there is rebirth, this exhibition also describes Taipei recovery after reconstruction, including the buildings disappear due to air strikes, such as the railway hotel, the second highest female, the Central Research Institute, Prefectural Library, Taiwan Power Co., Weights and Measures The Taiwan Shrine, the General Executive's official residence and so on, the use of images before and after the bombing of past and present, and Chan, so have not experienced major air strikes people in Taipei have the opportunity to learn about this important process in modern history, but also to tell prior to the events 228, Taiwan war Qianlei condition.
- Jan 21 Mon 2013 15:52
二次大戰下的台北大空襲 May 31, 19